Doctor Consultations
All our Doctors provide general medical services, maternity medical services, family planning services, minor surgery and child health surveillance.
Practice Pharmacists
Our Practice Pharmacists offer consultation to discuss medication queries, can prescribe certain medications and are also specialists in Diabetes care.
Mental Health Consultations
Our specialist mental health practitioner is available to help and guide our patients with any problems effecting their mental health.
Social Worker Consultations
Our Two social workers support our patients and their families with problems such as
- Isolation or loneliness
- Carer support
- Relationship difficulties
- Parenting difficulties
- Housing difficulties
- Stress
- Bereavement and trauma
- Alcohol and drug addiction
Our physiotherapist is an expert in problems with joints, muscles and soft tissue such as back pain, neck pain, painful joints or sprains and strains.
Treatment Room
Run by our Nurses. The morning clinic is specifically for blood tests and urgent treatment. The afternoon clinic is for more routine consultations such as BP checks, dressings, removal of sutures, vaccinations, ear syringing, injection treatment and minor surgery. Delays are unavoidable if urgent cases arise.
Chronic Disease Management
Chronic Diseases are those which are long term. Our practice nurses run specialist clinics in chronic disease management at varying times throughout the week under the direction of your doctor. These clinics provide essential management for conditions such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, and Hypertension.
In addition your doctor takes responsibility for the management of many other chronic diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Epilepsy, Kidney Disease, Dementia, Osteoporosis, and Cancer.
Disease Prevention & Screening
We recommend and encourage a healthy lifestyle to assist in the prevention of many diseases. In addition our practice nurses run specialist disease prevention and screening clinics at varying times throughout the week under the direction of your doctor.
Child Healt
h Surveillance
The Health visitors along with a doctor hold a weekly child health surveillance and immunisation clinic for children aged 0 - 5. Parents must ensure their children are registered with the Practice so they can be called for these important checks and immunisations.
Antenatal Care
The District Midwife with Doctor in attendance run a weekly clinic. Please contact the receptionist for details.
Minor Surgery
We carry out various types of incisions, excisons & joint injections. Some examples of minor surgery procedures carried out are the removal of cysts, warts, lumps, and ingrowing toenails. An appointment with your doctor is required for assessment and treatment.
Anti-Coagulation Monitoring
Run by our Doctors and supported by our Nurses. Specialist blood testing, analysis and treatment for those patients on Warfarin medication.
Near Patient Testing
Run by our Doctors and supported by our Nurses. Specialist blood testing, analysis and treatment for those patients on high risk medications.
Contraceptive Device Fittings
Fitting carried out by our female doctors. Long acting reversible contraceptive device fitting for women. There are a number of options available which you need to discuss with your doctor.
Run by our Nurse under the direction of your doctor. This service is available for those patients with a diagnosis of Haemachromatosis or Polycythaemia.
Annual Health Check Of Adults With Severe Learning Disabilities
Run by doctor and specialist learning disability health facilitator.
Annual Influenza Vaccinations
Run by our Nurses under the direction of your doctor. For patients with specific conditions such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Chronic Heart Disease, Stroke, Chronic Renal Disease, Chronic Liver disease or Immunosupression. Also available for those patients aged 65 or over, and carers.
Pneumonia Vaccinations
Run by our Nurses under the direction of your doctor. For patients with specific conditions such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Chronic Heart Disease, Stroke, Chronic Renal Disease, Chronic Liver disease or Immunosupression. Also available for those patients aged 65 or over, and carers. Current guidelines state this vaccination is only required once in your life time.
Response To Public Health Recommendations
From time to time the Public Health organisation ask us to respond rapidly to an outbreak or other specific issues which are a risk to Public Health. A recent service we have provided in this area is the COVID-19 Vaccination programme.